CSR Strategy
Our Mission is to explore and develop oil and gas resources by leveraging technology and a talented workforce as a dependable, ethical and conscientious partner. The development of the Cheleken Contract Area is a big project for an independent operator, such as Dragon Oil, and entails a significant social responsibility to act accordingly and in harmony with the laws and the community’s values. The centre of our field operations is near the town of Hazar where Dragon Oil actively engages with the community in our firm belief that it is our duty to take care of the community we operate in. Read More
A Workplace to Strategy
In the spirit of People First, we value our employees.
We offer high quality careers and opportunities for everyone, with a particular focus on our local employees. We are committed to personal growth and development through excellent training and challenging opportunities. We encourage diversity and foster a working culture that is open and motivational.
Indeed, Dragon Oil is a place where people can perform, and we celebrate and reward their efforts accordingly.
Our HR strategy
Our HR strategy is centred on a number of key objectives:
- Developing and empowering our national human capital in Turkmenistan to create an independent skilled workforce;
- Promoting and supporting employees through education to enhance talents;
- Overhauling policies and implementing fresh initiatives to cope with new challenges and market trends; and
- Focusing our energies to hire and retain the best possible pool of qualified candidates in Turkmenistan and Dubai, UAE. Read More

Introduction from the CEO
Dragon Oil demands and maintains the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities. This is necessary because Dragon Oil’s image is reflected by the people who work for the Dragon Oil Group of companies (the “Group”). Dragon Oil can only build and grow on solid foundations of integrity and strong ethics.This Code describes the principles of Dragon Oil’s business ethics and is intended to assist all employees in meeting high standards of personal and professional integrity required of them. The Code applies to everyone who works for or with Dragon Oil, whether as employee, director, consultant, officer, contractor (and their subcontractors) or any other business partner.
Independent oil & gas focus

Offshore technology can complement natural disaster preparation systems
Economic Development of the Petroleum Producing Countries in the MENA Region
Local Content
We believe in conducting ourselves according to the highest standards of business practice. This not only means being true to the Dragon Oil Code of Conduct, which we initiated in 2009; it means looking at how our business impacts the local host areas in which we work.
As a hydrocarbons operator, Dragon Oil understands the importance of protecting the environment where we operate. In 2011, we were proud to be able to reduce our gas flaring by almost two thirds, following the commissioning of the government’s gas
Supplier Award
Dragon Oil believes and always works on creating and delivering sustainable value for its stakeholders. As the suppliers are one of the important stakeholders in the business and their role in line with the Dragon Oil business process is vital to be successful.