Export Facility - Image 1

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Harbour area - Image 1

Harbour area - Image 2

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Loading of tankers - Image 2

On October 2017, Bin Obood has joined Dragon Oil as the Chief Financial Officer(CFO). He has over 24 years of leadership and financial experience, mainly in the Government Sector. BinObood earned a B.Sc degree in Accounting from the Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai, and an MBA from Zayed University; and a degree in Leadership from Harvard School.
Mr. Tayeb Huwair: joined Dragon Oil on 21st May, 2017 as Chief Operating Officer (Non-Operating Asset) based in Dubai. Tayeb holds a Bachelor’s degree from Tri State University, Indiana USA in Chemical Engineering. Tayeb comes to us with over 25 years of experience in Project Management, Project Interfaces, Discipline Engineering, Field Development Concepts, Business Planning, Screening and Ranking of Capital Investments and Operation. Before joining Dragon Oil, Mr. Huwair worked for ADMA-OPCO as Senior Vice President (Project & Engineering).
Ali Rashid Al-Jarwan, Managing Director, Exploration & Production and Chief Executive Officer(CE)) of Dragon Oil, was appointed in his capacity by the Dragon Board in March 2017. Al-Jarwan has more than 35 years of experience in the field of oil exploration and production and has held a number of senior management roles at Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) group of companies – Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO), as well as Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) and Zakum Development Company (ZADCO). Over the years, Al-Jarwan has received several industry honors, including the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) distinguished membership, two innovation awards from BP Middle East, ADNOC’s 2010 Health, Safety, and Environment Man of the Year Award, and several SPE recognition awards – the latest being Honorable SPE Member. Al-Jarwan is the Founder and Chairman of Gas and Oil Technology Conference (GOTECH). He has also chaired several international conferences such as GEO in 2002, the 8th HSE International Conference in 2006, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) 2006, 2008, and 2012 and the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in 2022. Al-Jarwan holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in the United States. He is an associate of Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom, and International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland.
Mr. Ali Rashed Al-Jarwan has a strong background in both technical fields and leadership roles, with significant experience in oil and gas field development, project management, and operations. Since 2006, he has served as CEO of notable companies like Abu Dhabi Marine and Dragon Oil.
Mr Abdulkarim Almaazmi is a veteran leader and amongst the most respected minds in the oil and gas sector. He has accumulated over 40 years of experience and a strong delivery record. His leadership was proven in significant businesses with large multi-cultural and multi-discipline teams. Abdulkarim has built mutually respectful and influential business relationships with stakeholders in the Middle East Region and represented companies at senior executive positions.
Savvy visionary and is esteemed as a proponent of empowerment and accountability and is known for leading companies through changes and challenges to profitable growth.
In July 2011, he served as the President & General Manager of BP UAE, where he spearheaded the upstream segment in partnership with ADNOC and the Government of Sharjah. Under his leadership the company collectively produced around 235 thousand barrels of oil per day BP Net. He served as primary contact for onshore concession renewal (ADCO 2014) and offshore (ADMA 2018).
Abdulkarim joined Dragon Oil (ENOC) in May 2018 as Executive Director of Exploration & New Ventures. Overseeing interests in MENA region.
Additionally, his Board Memberships include:
Dragon Oil demands and maintains the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities. This is necessary because Dragon Oil’s image is reflected by the people who work for the Dragon Oil Group of companies (the “Group”). Dragon Oil can only build and grow on solid foundations of integrity and strong ethics.
This Code describes the principles of Dragon Oil’s business ethics and is intended to assist all employees in meeting high standards of personal and professional integrity required of them. The Code applies to everyone who works for or with Dragon Oil, whether as employee, director, consultant, officer, contractor (and their subcontractors) or any other business partner.
Our ethics policy is straightforward: everyone working for or with Dragon Oil must uphold the highest standards of business integrity and ethics in the conduct of all Company activity, complying with both the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations. Dragon Oil’s employees are expected to avoid any action or behaviour which could create even the perception that such behaviour is unethical, illegal or otherwise improper.
Irrespective of an employee’s position within Dragon Oil, he or she is involved in the business process including decision-making that affects Dragon Oil and other employees. It can sometimes be difficult to discern if a certain course of action will result in contravention of the provision of the Code. Also, certain situations may arise which may not be covered in our Code of Conduct. If there is any doubt as to whether a certain action is in compliance with the Code or any other Dragon Oil policy, it is expected that an employee will err on the side of caution and discuss the issue with his or her manager. If you have any questions concerning the Code, please contact ENOC Business Ethics & Compliance function.
I am certain that as a team we will uphold the highest ethical standards.
Thank you,
Ali Rashid Al Jarwan
Chief Executive Officer
Dragon Oil
Please click here to read the Code in English
ENOC Ethics Hotline allow employees to report unethical conduct or violation of the Code in an easy and confidential manner – in our efforts to foster a positive work culture and environment. All reported cases are treated with utmost confidentiality and presented to ENOC Business Ethics Committee to approve commencing investigation and to approve disciplinary actions.
ENOC Ethics Hotline Tools:
United Arab Emirates:
800 ENOC Ethic (800 3662 38442)
Tel: +993 654 0 999 2
Tel: +971 43 782 024
ENOC Ethics Hotline Online Platform
Website : enoc.speakup.ae
.إحرصو على تجنب الإتصالات إلاحتياليه التي يزعم أنها بالنيابه عن شركة دراجون أويل او مجموعة الشركات التابعه لها
يجب عليكم التعرف على ما يجب فعله إذا تلقيتم بريدا إلكترونياً تعتقد أنه إحتيالي بسبب وقوع حوادث كثيره في الإونه الاخيرة ارتبطت بشركات توظيف تدعي زوراً أنها تقوم بالتوظيف نيابه عن شركة دراجون اويل او مجموعة الشركات التابعه لها . حيث أنها تخطر الافراد بانه تم مراجعة مؤهلاتهم عن طريق الشبكات المختلفه للتوظيف, وأنهم مؤهلون للعمل لدى مجموعة شركات دراجون اويل سواءاً لغرض التوطين أو تعيين الوافدين الباحثيين عن عمل ,و تطلب منهم تحويل مبالغ كبيرة من المال لدفع ثمن رسوم التوظيف او تصاريح العمل او بوليصة التأمين ,الخ
يرجى العلم بان دراجون اويل أو أي شركة تابعه لها أو متعاونه معها لن تقوم بطلب أموال أو رسوم يتم دفعها في أي مرحله من مراحل عملية التوظيف
قو تماماً انه يطلب دائماً من جميع الافراد المرشحين أو الذين ينجحون في الحصول على عرض عمل من مجموعة شركات دراجون اويل سواءاً بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر الخضوع لعميلة توظيف رسميه حسب سياسة التوظيف لدى مجموعة شركات دراجون اويل او شركتها الام اينوك أو شركات التوظيف المتعاونه معها القائمة على اسس و لوائح واضحه وبعيداً عن أي مطالبات مالية
يمكنكم التعرف على بعض من عمليات الإحتيال عن طريق عنوان البريد الالكتروني , حيث أنها تأتي من عناوين بريد إلكترونيه غير تابعه لشركات دراجون اويل ,وعلى سبيل المثال من عناوين مثل ( ياهو او قوقل دوت كوم ) حيث تستخدم فيها لغه غير رسميه وفي بعض المراحل يتم يطلب تحويل مبالغ مالية لبدء أو إتمام عملية التوظيف
نوصيكم بعدم الرد على عروض ألاعمال أو التوظيف المرسلة بطريقة غير رسمية , ولا تفصحو عن بياناتكم الشخصية أو المالية لأي أشخاص لا تربطكم بهم اي صله,و إن تلقيتم اي من هذه الرسائل نرجو منكم الإتصال بأقرب مركز شرطة وتزويدهم بجميع المعلومات التي قد تكون لديكم من المرسلين وبالاخص عناوين البريد الالكتروني و ارقام الهواتف / الفاكس وما غيرها
Внимание, опасайтесь мошеннических сообщений, якобы направленных от имени компаний, входящих в группу «Драгон Ойл»!
Ознакомьтесь с порядком действий при получении сообщений, которые кажутся вам подозрительными.
В последнее время участились инциденты с участием организаций, ложно заявляющих о найме работников от имени «Драгон Ойл». Эти организации, утверждающие, что они являются аффилированными компаниями или уполномочены «Драгон Ойл», уведомляют людей от том, что их квалификация соответствует требованиям на должности (местные или экспатские) в «Драгон Ойл» и предлагают перевести значительные денежные суммы в качестве оплаты разрешений на работу, страховых полисов и т.д.
Обратите внимание, что «Драгон Ойл» (а также компании, производящие набор персонала по поручению «Драгон Ойл») никогда не просят перевести деньги или произвести какую-либо оплату от соискателей на всех этапах процесса найма. Все кандидаты, получившие предложение о приеме на работу в «Драгон Ойл» напрямую или через уполномоченные кадровые агентства, всегда проходят через формальные процедуры найма.
Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что указанные выше сообщения являются мошенническими! Они не исходят от компании «Драгон Ойл» или ее материнской компании – «ENOC» и никак не связаны с официальным наймом персонала в «Драгон Ойл».
Отличительными особенностями таких мошеннических сообщений являются следующие: они направлены не с официальных электронных адресов «Драгон Ойл» (а, например, с использованием электронной почты yahoo.com); написаны с ошибками, с низким уровнем английского языка; на каком-то этапе возникает просьба произвести перевод денег.
Рекомендуем вам не отвечать на подобные сообщения, а также на какие-либо бизнес-предложения, направленные без вашего запроса, от людей или организаций, которые вам незнакомы.
Если вы получили такие предложения, рекомендуем вам незамедлительно обратиться в местные правоохранительные органы и предоставить им всю имеющуюся у вас информацию об отправителях (адреса электронной почты, номера телефонов, факсов и т.д.)
At the heart of our People First culture is education, training and personal development. We know from experience how unlocking the potential of our people leads to a virtuous circle: when employees achieve more, they enjoy their roles more; and that sense of fulfilment drives even greater ambition, satisfaction – and the company’s growth.
We also seek out the best training wherever it may be. Our Turkmen national employees regularly undertake professional training programmes abroad, as well as take up regular internships at our headquarters in Dubai. The latter also supports operations in the field and promotes knowledge-sharing through continuous learning and access to senior management.
Dragon Oil Centre of Excellence was launched in April 2010. The Centre of Excellence is dedicated to the training and development of our employees with a particular focus on our Turkmen national workforce.
The key objectives of the Centre of Excellence are:
Year | Period | Dividend per share, US cents | Dividend per share, GB pence | Dividend per share, Euro cents | Announcement date | Ex-dividend date | Record date | Payment date |
2014 | Final | 16 | 10.9 | 15.1 | 17/02/2015 | 02/04/2015 | 07/04/2015 | 30/04/2015 |
2014 | Interim | 20 | 12.0 | 15.1 | 05/08/2014 | 13/08/2014 | 15/08/2014 | 15/09/2014 |
2013 | Final | 18 | 10.7 | 13.0 | 18/02/2014 | 02/04/2014 | 04/04/2014 | 01/05/2014 |
2013 | Interim | 15 | 9.7 | 11.3 | 06/08/2013 | 14/08/2013 | 16/08/2013 | 16/09/2013 |
2012 | Final | 15 | 9.8 | 11.4 | 12/02/2013 | 03/04/2013 | 05/04/2013 | 03/05/2013 |
2012 | Interim | 15 | 9.4 | 11.9 | 14/08/2012 | 22/08/2012 | 24/08/2012 | 20/09/2012 |
2011 | Final | 11 | 6.9 | 8.4 | 21/02/2012 | 28/03/2012 | 30/03/2012 | 27/04/2012 |
2011 | Interim | 9 | 5.7 | 6.6 | 10/08/2011 | 17/08/2011 | 19/08/2011 | 23/09/2011 |
2010 | Full-year | 14 | 8.6 | 9.9 | 22/02/2011 | 27/04/2011 | 03/05/2011 | 03/05/2011 |
We believe in conducting ourselves according to the highest standards of business practice. This not only means being true to the Dragon Oil Code of Conduct, which we initiated in 2009; it means looking at how our business impacts the local host areas in which we work.
Having implemented our Dragon Oil Code of Conduct in 2009 to ensure best practice throughout the company, we followed it with a programme to ensure that our contractors follow our code as well. For every project, we conduct a competitive bidding process where we set out specific requirements defining quality, delivery and integrity. We select suppliers based on the best available offer while also taking into account reliability, experience and any previous working relationship we may have had with them.
In 2011, we started to encourage actively our suppliers to use locally sourced labour and materials. In 2012, we laid the foundation of this strategy by endeavouring that any tender we receive for major projects needs to comprise a minimum of 20% local content, if at all possible.
We are also leading by example. In 2010, we allocated land in the harbour area to contractors to allow them to construct platforms and gathering blocks near Dragon Oil’s operations. This not only helped us to supervise the contractors and keep to deadlines, but also had the effect of bringing more local jobs and orders for supplies to the area.
In 2011, the Dzheitune (Lam) Block 1 and C platforms were built in our ship yard followed by the Dzhygalybeg (Zhdanov) Block 4 gathering platform as well as the Dzhygalybeg (Zhdanov) B platform.
Use of local content brings benefits to everyone: our employees, our suppliers, the local community and our host government. Development of the Cheleken Contract Area fields means new opportunities for local businesses and new jobs for local people in, for example, construction and transport.
This helps to stimulate development of the small- and medium-sized enterprise sector within the country. We partner with more than 20 local companies for contractual work and materials supply, and the value of contracts awarded to local companies within the past three years amounts to approximately US$26mn. Currently more than 3,000 local workers are employed by our contractor companies working on infrastructure projects in the Cheleken area.
Our CSR strategy revolves around a number of undertakings where we aim to:
Dragon Oil it did not already own in 2015 at £8/share. The transaction completed in 2015. Please refer to the section on Recommended cash offer for more information.
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Dragon Oil
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Capita Asset Services, Shareholder solutions (Ireland)
2 Grand Canal Square
Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: 00 353 1 553 0050
Fax: 00 353 1 224 0700
Board Member
Qusai Al Shared has 25 years’ experience in the energy industry. He has a BSc in electrical engineering from UAE university and an MBA from Heriot Watt university with a particular focus on privatization and regulation. He held several executive positions in the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, including power system operation, planning and projects, generation, and distribution. Since 2006 he has pursued an independent career, including working with the consultancy Green Energy and in the construction and real estate sectors as well as a tenure as an energy advisor for Dubai Municipality
Board Member
Hussain Lootah is an accomplished and entrepreneurial senior-level executive with more than 30 years of experience in the Oil and Gas sector in the UAE. Notably, he has had a long <br>and successful career with ADNOC group of companies and his wealth of experience extends to both the upstream and downstream sectors. Mr Lootah holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Economics from New Hampshire College, UK, and a CPA from Montana University.
Mana Bin Qutami, Executive Director of Corporate Services comes to us with finance background and over 15 years of experience in the public and private sectors and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Sunderland in the United Kingdom.
H.E. Saeed Mohammed Ahmed Al Tayer has an overall experience of more than 31 years in the field of telecommunications, energy and water.
Under his leadership since 1992 DEWA achieved unprecedented successes and has become one of the very best distinguished utilities in all aspects world-wide.
As an initiative of his own, several successful companies were established, including Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (EMPOWER), and many other companies.
He is a member of Dubai Executive Council and Chairman of Infrastructure and Environment Committee, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE), Chairman of Dubai Smart City Office, Vice Chairman of Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), Vice Chairman of Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), and Chairman of UAE Water Aid (SUQIA) Board OF Trustees. Also, His Excellency is a member, vice chairman, or chairman of various high-level committees, and higher leading councils in the Emirate of Dubai.
He received a number of prestigious awards such as the “Middle East Champion of Energy” award received at the World Green Economy Summit 2015 from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Early in 2016, the UNDP appointed His Excellency as its “National Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development”.
His Excellency Abdulrahman Al Saleh is the Director General of the Department Of Finance of the Emirate of Dubai. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dubai Financial Support Fund.
Prior to joining DOF, Mr. Al Saleh spent four years as the Senior Executive Director for Corporate Affairs in Dubai Customs (DC). In this role, he was responsible for managing the support departments for DC, which includes Finance, HR Management, HR Development and Admin Services.
He chaired a number of committees in DC such as introduction of Value Added Tax in Dubai, Employee Affairs Committee, Executive Credit Policy Committee and was a Member of Reform & Modernization Program Committee and Information Technology Steering Committee.
Prior to this, Mr. Al Saleh held numerous Finance and Accounting positions for government departments on a local and federal level. He gained experience in chairing and participating in various organizational and strategic committees including the Executive Credit Policy Committee and Task Force for Indirect Taxation.
Mr. Al Saleh is a member of Supreme Fiscal Committee and also a Board Member of Dubai World and the Chairman of Drydocks World. He was member of the High Committee for the Regulation of the Audit Profession in UAE (2002 – 2006).
He is a fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK, and holds an Executive MBA from the American University of Sharjah.
Board Member
Born in 1949, Mirza Al Sayegh earned a Bachelor’s Degree in 1971 in Business Administration from the University of Jordan. He has held various diplomatic positions and has been appointed to the boards of numerous companies, as Chairman or Deputy Chairman, both in the UAE and overseas. The companies under his charge cover a wide spectrum of commercial and charitable organisations. He is also the Board Member of Dragon Oil’s Audit Committee.
We are extending our corporate social responsibility work to other regions of interest to us. In particular, Iraq is one of the countries where we feel there are significant opportunities for operators to explore and develop the country’s substantial hydrocarbon resources. One of the projects we are commencing in Iraq is the refurbishment of sanitary facilities at three secondary schools for girls in the Basra City, Iraq.
Refurbishment of sanitary facilities in the Basra region, Iraq
Smaller-scale community-support projects include refurbishment of a local school and nursery. During 2013, we sponsored a number of sports, social and cultural events in Hazar; we will continue to do so for the benefit of the community.
In 2010, Dragon Oil and the Hazar urban sports committee set up the Dragon Oil Cup Tournament.
Here is a translation of an article published in Neutral Turkmenistan highlighting the results of the 5th tournament in Hazar, Turkmenistan.
The tournament launched in 2010 by the petroleum company together with the Hazar urban sports committee is held annually as Hazar open championships in a variety of sports. It quickly gained popularity among young people of this seaside region and the country. Youth sports competitions took place as part of the 5th Tournament for the Dragon Oil Cup in July 2014 with final matches between volleyball teams of Hazar sports school.
The games were kicked off by indoor soccer tournaments involving football players from Ashgabat and towns and districts of the Balkan region. During uncompromising matches, the team from the Ashgabat Olympic Reserve School won. Football players from Hazar took the second place, Kumdag players came third.
Basketball players from Ashgabat, Balkanabat, Dashoguz, Mary, Turkmenbashy and Hazar followed the football players in competing for the Dragon Oil Cup. The tournament hosts were undisputed leaders in these heated games. Teams of Mary and Balkanabat took second and third places in the tournament, respectively.
In the boxing ring of the Hazar Training and Health Centre sportsmen performed an unforgettable show. Boxers from cities of the Balkan region: Balkanabat, Kumdag, Serdar, Turkmenbashy and Hazar participated in the games for the Cup. Young and old came to admire athletes’ strength and dexterity in this courageous sport. The hall was packed. During the preliminary stage, noted by a significant suspense, boxers demonstrated unexpected tactical moves, endurance, perseverance and a strong will to win. The final matches attracted attention of the entire audience. Fans joyfully supported advances of young masters of the “leather glove” and each time welcomed their success by a storm of applause.
Impressive wins by Hazar boxers in these final matches brought them the first place in the overall team ranking. Sportsmen of Balkanabat received the second overall team place. Boxers from Serdar gained the third place on the podium.
The awards ceremony for the champions and prize winners of the Dragon Oil Cup Tournament marked the closing of the boxing tournament. Sponsors and organizers of junior sports competitions held on shore of ancient Hazar awarded certificates of commendation and commemorative gifts to sportsmen.
Read the original article in Russian by Mikhail Bobkin, Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper
From 2011 to early 2013, Dragon Oil undertook a significant project, building a polyclinic in Hazar, Turkmenistan to provide healthcare services to our employees and the local community. In 2011, Dragon Oil completed the concept design and scope of work and awarded a contract for this US$5mn project to an international contractor. We are pleased to report that the polyclinic building and related infrastructure have been completed and the polyclinic is open to the citizens of Hazar and neighbouring towns.
We continue to lend support to the local community by undertaking smaller-scale community-support projects, such as the refurbishment of a local school and nursery. We also sponsored a number of sport and art-related events and committees in Hazar, Balkanabad and Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
As part of our corporate social responsibility activities, we aim to undertake projects that serve the community’s needs and improve people’s living standards as well as bring a better community life. Our primary focus is on such projects for the citizens of the Hazar town, where we have our operations base.
The construction of a state-of-the-art polyclinic and related facilities, equipped to a high standard and with all the necessary medical supplies, was a big project for Dragon Oil. The services provided at this polyclinic supplement the services offered at the existing polyclinic for the citizens of Hazar, our employees and the families of our local employees. The new polyclinic is located in the vicinity of the existing polyclinic, a hospital and a prophylactic centre.
The new polyclinic allows to provide medical treatments at brand new facilities with a focus on routine medical treatments, health awareness, disease prevention and health risk management.
The project called for a construction of a two-storey building with a total of 118 rooms allowing to treat up to 100 patients during two shifts per day. Specialist doctors’ rooms include gastroenterology, ear-nose-and-throat consulting with an operating room, ophthalmology, cardiology among other specialist consulting services.
The construction of the desalination plant in 2009 served a dual purpose of providing water to our operations and improving the Community’s access to portable water.